
Showing posts from October, 2016

Dynamics AX 2012 CIL Generation Error KeyNotFoundException

Today i faced the problem when run full compile. Dynamics AX give me error "The given key was not present in the dictionary". Quick fix is to see what is problem in log file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsAX\bin\XppIL\Dynamics.Ax.Application.dll.log". Log file will give the AOT object name which is creating problem, fix the error and compile to make sure no other error exists in AOT object.

SSRS Report Error "Parameter is missing a value"

I was start getting error "Parameter is missing a value" when i left blank parameter of report. To make report parameter optional you have to follow these steps. 1. Open report in Visual Studio. 2. Go to Parameters and open the properties of your parameter.   3. Set Allow Blank to true. 4 Set Nullable to true. 5. Build and deploy the report. 6. In AOT, goto SSRS report and right click on your report and select Deploy Element. 7. Run your report.

X++ Get Start Date and End Date of Month

Use following methods to get Month Start Date and Month End Date. Pass any date of month in parameter. Month Start Date :    TransDate dateInMonth=today(); TransDate firstDateOfMonth; ; firstDateOfMonth = DateStartMth(dateInMonth); Month End Date : TransDate dateInMonth=today(); TransDate endDateOfMonth; ; endDateOfMonth= endmth(dateInMonth);