Calculate Age In Day, Months and Years in X++

I got required to display exact age of employee in days, month and years. I used some DateTimeUtil method and achieve my output.

 public static void getAge(Args args)  
   int       years,  
   int64      days;  
   utcDateTime   birthDayCurrentYear;  
   str       ageInWords;  
   date    _birthDate  
   months = mthOfYr(systemdateget()) - mthOfYr(_birthDate);  
   years = year(systemdateget()) - year(_birthDate);  
   if (dayOfMth(systemdateget()) < dayOfMth(_birthDate))  
   if (months < 0)  
     months += 12;  
   birthDayCurrentYear = DateTimeUtil::addMonths(DateTimeUtil::newDateTime(_birthDate,0), ((years * 12) + months));  
   days = DateTimeUtil::getDifference(DateTimeUtil::newDateTime(systemdateget(),0) , birthDayCurrentYear) / #secondsPerDay;  
   ageInWords = strFmt("%1 years, %2 months, days %3", years, months, days);  


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